Wednesday 6 February 2008

Who do you admire and why?

I had a great time last night hosting my life club and everyone else seemed to really enjoy themselves as well which created a great atmosphere.

Last nights topic was about recognising the qualities that we already have. We started off by looking at the things that annoy us in other people and recognising that a lot of the time these things annoy us because we see those things in ourselves. This can sound harsh but the flip side is that if we recognise in others the things we don't lie about ourselves then we can also recognise that the things we admire in others are also reflected in ourselves.

We don't always see this at first, but take some time to think about those people that you admire. What is the main quality that they have that you really do admire them for. Is it their confidence or the ability to remain calm in stressful situations? Now think about yourself. What would it take for you to recognise that you have these qualities also. You may not use that quality in eactly the same way, but the fact that you notice it means it is reflected in you.

Come up with a list of qualities that you didn't realise you possess. Revel in these new found qualities and think of situations where you can use them in the future. Remind yourself everyday that you possess these wonderful qualities. I know it's a great way of boosting my own confidence and last night my clubbers agreed.

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