Friday 23 November 2007

What affects your focus?

This week I have been thinking a lot about focus and what draws you away from it.

How many times do you have things you want to do and you get drawn away from them by things going on in your head? It's that constant chatter that can sometimes go round and round in our heads and stop us from focusing on those important things we want to get done. I find the following exercise helpful to bring me back in focus, when I get caught up in the superficial chatter going on.

I take a couple of minutes out to relax and recharge my batteries. I call up my favourite image of me lying on a beach and listening to the waves moving backwards and forwards against the shore. I picture the white sand around me and the feel of the sun on my skin, the distant sound of childrens laughter helps to remind me of times when I was young and before lifes stresses had a chance to take over. While imagining this, I start to feel myself relax. I feel the stress drain out from my head and down through my limbs until it slips out my toes and onto the sand, draining away across the sand into the sea to be washed away by the waves. After I take a few minutes out from stressful times to do this I find that when I open my eyes I feel more focused and the chatter in my head has gone. I can then work out easily what is most important to me in that moment and focus on it.

When you practice this often it becomes easy to quickly put yourself within your image and clear your mind.

Try it - what's your most relaxing memory? take it and amplify it so you can use it to help you clear your mind and regain focus.

If you would like help creating the focus you desire for whats important to you, why not sign up for one of my complimentary 'Fresh approach to Life sessions at

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