Wednesday 7 November 2007

What would you choose?

This week I have been thinking a lot about choice. It's so easy to get wrapped up in situations, whether they make you angry, feel under pressure, exasperated or sad. We can often forget that we have a choice.

I am a firm follower of the fact that we choose our response, even if I sometimes have to remind myself of this and make a conscious effort to do so.

Its very easy to get caught up feeling angry or sad about things, or even getting involved in the spiral of arguments, blaming the way we feel on others, when actually its us that allow ourselves to be angry or upset by things. We can choose whether we want to allow ourselves to carry around the negativity or whether we choose to not let it affect us.

When I find myself getting cross with other people I remind myself that we are all individuals and that everyone is doing whatever it takes for them to get where they want to be in certain situations and that their point of view may be different but that doesn't mean they are setting out to upset me or anyone else.

Why not try it. Next time you start to feel angry about something - choose not to let it affect you. See how much better you feel.

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