Wednesday 24 June 2009

What happens when you don't see eye to eye?

We all have different perspectives and sometimes we can get stuck thinking that if other people don’t see things the same way that we do then we have big problems.

How many times have you told someone something that you are really excited about and their response puts an instant downer on things and you lose the excitement that you had only a moment ago? I know it’s happened to me many a time.

When this happens you have a choice – and boy do I love choices. You can choose to allow yourself to get upset and feel negative about what the other person has said and possibly lose interest and enthusiasm for what ever it was that you were excited about or you can look at things from their perspective even if only for a moment to find ways of improving or adding to your idea in the first place.

When you look at things from a different perspective you can actually open up a whole host of new areas and ideas for yourself.

Sometimes something that you can argue about for ages is just a matter of perspective. Think about the last time you had or witnessed an argument, you could probably see two clearly different points of view and possibly a third if you were a witness to the argument, but really it’s simply a matter of different perspectives.

Think about something that you may be having a disagreement about at the moment and suspend your belief for a short time to look at the other person’s perspective. What new ideas or questions come to you that could maybe improve things or bring about a compromise.

By looking at things from a different perspective you release yourself from being trapped in beliefs that ‘this is the way it is and has to be’

Try it, remember you are not losing anything, you don’t have to give anything up - you are simply gaining a new perspective and understanding of yourself and others.

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