Monday 26 October 2009

Good Person / Bad Person

I have been madly busy lately working with my teenage mums and so want to apologise for being a little lax in posting to my blog. But I really wanted to share with you the following on the differences between a good person and a bad person. This comes from some of the work that I have been doing helping Teenage mums look at what they want for their lives and a lot of the issues that they have can affect us all no matter how old we are.

It's all too easy to get caught up in relationships or friendships when we first meet someone, where we find that once the inital phase of meeting someone wears off, there are often things about them or that happen that make us feel uncomfortable or unhappy, yet we fail to do something about it.

Here is a list of traits of the differences between people that are good for us and those that are not, that we could probably all do well to remember at some point or another.

A Good Person

A good person will be happy to listen to you
A good person will love you for who you are and not try to change you
A good person will respect your opinions
A good peron will support your goals
A good person makes you feel safe
A good person wants you to be happy

A Bad Person

A bad person ignores you
A bad person says nasty things to you
A bad person makes you feel bad
A bad person tries to change you
A bad person is controlling
A bad person does not respect your opinions
A bad person makes you feel frightened

There are lots more that can be added to each list, if anyone has any they would like to add, please let me know. What makes a person good or bad for you?

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